Forest Park Homes for Sale

Forest Park Homes for Sale!

forest park homes for sale1The Forest Park neighborhood lies adjacent to our famous and beloved Forest Park, and on the southern end actually incorporates it into the neighborhood boundary. On a map it appears to suggest a covetousness, which would be understandable; who wouldn’t want such a vast and beautiful woodland for his or her very own? Its proximity to the park and the fact that its residents’ homes seem nearly always to peek at passers-by from the surrounding veil of trees lends it a rustic quality. If you’d never traveled the Portland area, you wouldn’t suspect that the city was only minutes away.

The Forest Park neighborhood residents have easy access to the City of Portland’s 5,000 plus acre Forest Park, the southern portion and eastern of which lies within the neighborhood boundaries and the rest of which is adjacent. Most of the neighborhood lies within unincorporated Multnomah County, though it does include some areas within Portland city limits. It’s bordered by the Northwest Heights, Hillside, Northwest District and Linnton neighborhoods. For further information contact us at 971.373.8294

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